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Article refers to the saling of the MONTEREY and reference is made to Audrey Capuano and her knitted jumper
Article refers to the saling of the MONTEREY and reference is made to Audrey Capuano and her knitted jumper

Article refers to the saling of the MONTEREY and reference is made to Audrey Capuano and her knitted jumper

DateApril 1946
Object number00015084
NameNewspaper clipping
MediumInk on paper
DimensionsOverall: 281 x 299 mm
Credit LineANMM Collection Gift from Audrey Capuano
DescriptionThis newspaper clipping entitled 'Goodbye to bride ship' was taken from the Daily Mirror, dated Monday April 8, 1946. The article refers to the sailing of the passenger liner MONTEREY and refers to Audrey Capuano and her knitted stars and stripes jumper. Australian Audrey Capuano (nee Westley), was an American war bride who sailed from Sydney to San Francisco in 1946. More than 12,000 Australian women and children sailed to the United States on converted troop ships and passenger liners in the years 1945 to 1947 in Operation War Bride.HistoryDuring World War II between 12,000 and 15,000 Australian women married American servicemen. Some migrated and lived in the USA, while others returned to Australia in the years following the war, with or without their husbands. These women often encountered public scrutiny and disapproval for their decision to marry, with many Australians specifically men, resentful of Americans 'taking their wives'. For many women, American servicemen filled the vacuum created by Australian men stationed overseas. During the campaign in the Pacific thousands of American troops were stationed in Australia, at a time when many of Australia’s young men were fighting in Europe and the Middle East. Audrey Wesley was born in Strathalbyn, South Australia. At the age of 18 she met American Private First Class Angelo “Bob” Capuano (32nd Division Reconstruction Corps, US Army) at one of the weekly dances held in her home town of Strathalbyn, South Australia, in May 1942. They were married at St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney in August 1944, but Audrey faced a lengthy delay before getting passage to the US to meet up with her new husband. Departing Sydney on the SS MONTEREY in a group of 410 Australian war brides in April 1946, Audrey was photographed in the Stars and Stripes jumper she had knitted, and 15 days later muscial bands and more photographers were out on the wharf to meet the group at San Francisco. Audrey was hailed in the American Press as "Betsy Ross the Second" - after the legendary Philadelphia seamstress who made the first flag during the American War of Independence. Audrey formed the Australian Wives' Club in Pittsburgh for social gatherings and companionship. Audrey and Angelo (Bob) raised four children in Pittsburgh, with Audrey making several visits to see family and friends in Australia. This newspaper clipping reads as follows: The Daily Mirror, Monday, April 8, 1946 'GOODBYE TO BRIDE SHIP 800 Farewell Monterey LONG VIGIL FOR CROWD Bursting through the barriers, a crowd of 800 farewelled the bride ship Monterey when she sailed for San Francisco today. The Monterey carried 524 Australian wives and children of American servicemen. She left at 6.11 a.m. The Monterey had the cheeriest farewell of any of the bride ships. There were fewer than 12 women in tears on the wharf and only one bride was crying as the ship pulled out. At 3 a.m. there were six people at the wharf gates, but by 4.30 a.m. 300 had arrived. Forty-five minutes later the crowd had grown to 600. The gates were to have been opened at 5.45 a.m. but because of the pressure people were allowed through at 5.20 a.m. NOISE STARTED Then the noise started, and shouts, cries and confused conversation continued until the ship sailed. Women and girls, and a handful of men ran up and down the barriers, waving flags, scarves, and placards to attract the attention of girls on the Monterey. The brides wore practically every shade of color of kiminos, dressing gowns, nightgowns, pyjamas, frocks, slacks and shorts. One abused a seaman for splashing her adjectival new shoes as the decks were scrubbed. STARS AND STRIPES Only South Australian on the ship, Mrs. Audrey Capuano (21), wore slacks and a jumper knitted in the colors of the Stars and Stripes. "The jumper has only 18 instead of 48 stars - quite enough as it took me two days to put them on", she said. She and Mrs. Nancy Bodnar (23), Camperdown, Victoria, are in the same cabin and will live in the same street at Pittsburgh. Mrs. Bodnar met her husband while she was in the A.W.A.S. at Townsville. With them was Mrs. Virginia Cahill (22), of Woollahra, who has not seen her husband since thier honeymoon of 10 days, 13 months ago. All these girls were introduced to their husbands at dances. In her excitement, Mrs. Meryl Long, of Warwick, Queensland, dropped a red scarf from the boat deck. It was returned to her. "I arranged with my friend Mrs. Bernard Mitchell, of Bondi Junction, who is married to a U.S. serviceman, to wave a red scarf", she said. "Dozens seemed to have the same idea, and I am not certain if I did see my friend." One of the priority passengers was Miss Gloria Solomon, of Balmain, who will live with her mother at San Francisco. She has not seen her for eight years. Her father is a quartermaster on the Monterey.' Not part of this collection but of interest are the following newspaper reports relating to the MONTEREY. From The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 April 1946: 'MORE BRIDES DUE TO-MORROW The Monterey will arrive at No. 1a wharf, Darling Harbour, about 12 noon to-morrow, with 56 Canadian brides and 17 children of AustralianFix this text Servicemen among her passengers.' From The Sydney Morning Herald, 8 April 1946: 'WIVES OF U.S. SERVICEMEN LEAVE TO-DAY More than 500 wives and children of United States Servicemen will sail from Sydney in the Monterey this morning. Relatives of New South Wales brides assembled at the end of the wharf at Darling Harbour yesterday to catch a glimpse of the passengers. They used empty oil drums as vantage points.' SignificanceThis newspaper clipping reflects the experience of many Australian women during World War II who became American war brides and moved to the USA to start a new life.