DescriptionPlacard by child reading "MUA Is here to stay". Written below across page in blue is the phonetic spelling of solidarity forever, "Soradaratefoeve soladarete foreve for the youen mak us strong the werks ynited wil never be dfeted."HistoryOn 7 April1998 Patrick Stevedores sacked all Maritime Union members on its wharves and hired new workers. The issues were staffing levels, work practices, and rights to union membership .
The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) picketed Patrick's wharves around Australia to stop nonunion workers getting in to do their jobs. Patrick obtained injunctions against MUA pickets but the union ignored them, claiming the pickets were community demonstrations outside its control. A series of court cases resulted in MUA members returning to work on May 9. They agreed to some redundancies and new work practices. The union later produced a commemorative 'Strike Pack'.
The actions of Patrick Stevedores and the Commonwealth Government were seen as conspiratorial and part of a broader ideological campaign.They provoked a broad response among left wing groups.
This drawing was used on the Port Botany picket line. It features the phonetic spelling of 'Solidarity Forever' which was sung spontaneously at the picket and at organised concerts.
Photographs of children being caught upin clashes between picketers and police were published by press and drew public criticism of their parents.SignificanceThis drawing is significant in documenting the Maritime Union of Australia's picket and in showing the support they received from other unions, left wing groups and other parts of the community.