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Image Not Available for Billy John McFarlane Missi
Billy John McFarlane Missi
Image Not Available for Billy John McFarlane Missi

Billy John McFarlane Missi

BiographyTribe: Wagedagam, Gumu, Pania
Totem: Koedal, Kaigas, Dhangal

Billy Missi comes from Maluilgal country in Zenadh Kes (Western Torres Strait) and has grown up in the traditional customary ways and practices of his cultural heritage in the Torres Strait. He comes from a well respected generation of art practitioners and geographers of Mabuiag who have passed down the protocols, practices and heritage of the Torres Strait culture through storytelling, songs and dance.

In the last 10 years Billy Missi has developed his artistic ability and medium in the concepts of sculpture, lino-cut and paintings and has won a number of art awards. Billy is also one of the founding members of Mualgau Minaral Artist Collective, the first printmaking facility based in Kubin Village and a pioneer project in the Torres Strait. His works of art are held in international collections including the Victoria and Albert Museum, Cambridge Museum of Anthropology and the University of British Colombia.

Billy died suddenly a few days before Christmas 2012 and his family advised that he wouild be referred to as Palen until further notice.

Person TypeIndividual