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Captain Edward Biddulph
Captain Edward Biddulph

Captain Edward Biddulph

English, 1790 - 1861
BiographyEdward Biddulph was born in England in 1790 and entered the Royal Navy aged 13 in 1803. He served on board the INDEFATIGABLE and was commissioned Lieutenant in 1809.

At the age of 41 Biddulph was on the retired list as a half-pay lieutenant invested in the paddle steamer SOPHIA JANE with the aim of entering the coastal trade in Australia. He sailed the SOPHIA JANE from England to Australia as a schooner with the paddle wheel strapped to the main deck. After arrival on 14 May 1831, the vessel was re-fitted and reconverted to steam and underwent trials on Sydney Harbour.

August 1833, Biddulph was awarded the contract for the construction of a steam engine and boilers for a paddle steamer to be built of local timbers by shipwright, J.W. Russell of Clarence Town. He established engineering workshops at the wharf and shipyard in Sussex Street, to undertake the work and constructed the AUSTRALIA.

In 1834, Biddulph sold the SOPHIA JANE to the Hunter River Steam Packet Co. and later settled in Newcastle. For a short time, he acted as Harbor Master, was one of the early patrons of the turf in the district, and for many years filled the position of Judge at the local race meetings.

It was said that Captain Biddulph was a "typical salt of the old days, bluff, kind hearted. and of a genial disposition. He was held in the highest esteem in Newcastle."

Person TypeIndividual