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Thomas Birt

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Thomas Birt1824 - 1841

Thomas Birt (d. 1841) traded from 1824-1841 in Great St. Andrews Street, Seven Dials, London: at no. 33 in 1824, at no. 10 from 1828-1829, and at no. 39 from 1833-1841. Other members of the Birt family who traded at no. 39 are Ann Birt (1842-1843), Mary Birt (1844-1851), and George Birt (1852). BBTI records Ann Birt as "[p]robably widow & successor to Thomas Birt," but Shepard (p. 76) identifies Mary Birt as "widow of Thomas Birt [who] carried on the business" and notes her age in 1844 as 43 and Ann Birt's as 23.

A listing for Birt's printing business on a ballad sheet (00077390) states:

'Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on reasonable terms. Children's Books, Battledores, Pictures, &c.'

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