DescriptionA black and white photograph taken of Customs House in Brisbane showing the decorative lights in place for the Peace Celebrations at the end of WWI.
Like cities throughout Australia the end of war saw mass street celebrations and many government buildings and commercial businesses illuminated their buildings to mark the long awaited occasion.
HistoryCities across Australia turned out in force at the end of WWI. Processions were widely endorsed and Brisbane’s efforts saw an extensive list of participants. These groups included national societies and displays (such as the Royal Society of St. George, Caledonian Society and Burns Club) different cultural groups (such as Indian residents, Italian residents, Japanese residents and Chinese residents)
Shipping companies marched as did trade unions. Government departments were all represented with Queensland Railways, Public Service, State Sawmills, Government Printing Office, Public Service Patriotic Committee, Government Savings Bank, even the land and income tax department.
Numerous commercial businesses participated and most premises were decorated. There were fireworks at night in addition to concerts, dancing and illuminated boats on the Brisbane River.
SignificanceThis image is a part of the Captain Robert McKilliam collection. Captain McKilliam worked for the Aberdeen White Star Line for 32 years and sailed aboard such famous clipper ships as SALAMIS and THERMOPYLAE. He moved to Sydney in 1913 where he served as Assistant Wharf Master on Darling Island.