Captain Burnham Walker Dun
On the return voyage Captain Dun went on leave, a short time later did a pier head jump and returned to Chief Officer on NANKIN. The NANKIN was captured by the RAIDER THOR in the Indian Ocean and Captain Dun became a Prisoner of War and taken to Japan. Captain Dun was released and returned to Australia onboard HMS FORMABLE in 1945.
Following a long period regaining his health, Dun joined NELLORE (2) as Chief Officer for two voyages to Shanghai. On 18th of April 1947 Dun joined SS NANKIN (2) in Sydney and served as Master, serving as Master in the company for the remainder of his career until Dun retired on 16th December 1967.
After retirement Dun became a Nautical Assessor and took part in several Courts of Enquiry including the Tasman Bridge Enquiry. In addition to cases he took part in, there are several cases where he acted on an advisory basis only.
Person TypeIndividual