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Adrien Aime Taunay
Adrien Aime Taunay

Adrien Aime Taunay

BiographyAdrien Taunay was a 15 year old aspiring French painter living in Rio de Janeio in 1818 when Louis de Freycinet and his ship URANIE stopped there on their voyage through the southern hemisphere. Adrien joined the expedition as a junior assistant draughtsman and continued on to Australia. After completion of this voyage, Adrien returned to Rio de Janeiro in 1820 where he continued to devote himself to art. However, during an inland exploration trip in 1827, Taunay became lost from the rest of his group in the jungle. Whist he did manage to locate the Guapore River, he drowned in his attempt to cross it in January 1828.

Person TypeIndividual