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LauerGerman, 1783 - 1950

'Lauer' is the name of a German company based in Nuremberg that manufactured miniature imitation currency, toy coins, medals and tokens of various kinds between the mid-19th and mid-20th centuries. It began life as a family company that, over the years, involved Johann Jacob (or Jakob) Lauer (1806- 1852 or 1865), Ernest Ludwig Lauer (1783-1833) and, most notably, Ludwig Christian Lauer (1842-1873). Their catalogue was extensive ranging from a series of counters with Greek and Roman themes, to architectural medals struck for the world's fair, to badges worn during the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

The Lauer firm is believed to have remained in family hands from 1783 until 1906 when ownership passed to the Rockstoh family. After this the firm largely concentrated on producing medals, badges and electroplated ornaments and components. Lauer is still in existence today as a manufacturer of grills for radios in automobiles.

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