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James Kennedy
James Kennedy

James Kennedy

Irish, 1808 - 1878

Irish Times
13 September 1878
Mr James Kennedy, J.P. of Rosetta, Belfast, died at his residence at half-past two o'clock yesterday. Mr Kennedy had been in broken health for some time, having suffered from an affection of the heart, to which several complications were superadded, and his death was consequently not unexpected. During his long life of 70 years, begun and ended in Belfast, Mr Kennedy had grown into one of its most prominent citizens. Though for some years he had retired from business, he at one time occupied a position in the commercial world. He will always be remembered in the linen trade as the man who first introduced power-loom weaving into Belfast, and is abilities intelligence and success as a merchant led to his being called to the presidency of the Chamber of Commerce. Owing to a partial deafness from which he suffered, he was indisposed towards taking much part in public affairs, though when occasion demanded he was a forcible and effective speaker. He took an especial interest in the cause of National Education, and was a warm advocate of the principles of the National Board.

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