G.D. Searle and Company Limited
American, founded 1908
In 1941 company headquarters were moved to Skokie, a northern Chicago suburb. Eight years later, one of Searle's most successful products--Dramamine, the first motion-sickness pill--was discovered. In 1966 Dramamine remained a leader in motion-sickness medications; by the 1980s the drug had become a household staple. Also successfully introduced in the years following World War II was a treatment for peptic ulcers. During the 1950s Searle began an international expansion, which took the company into Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
Read more: https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/97/G-D-Searle-Co.html#ixzz6QGvrNBH7
Person TypeInstitution